I set a goal for myself at the beginning of the summer that I would finish two art endeavors by its end: 1) Produce a cohesive collection of abstract paintings, since that is what I'm enjoying most these days, and 2) Have my new website finished and online. I am proud to say those goals were met! If you haven't already seen it after all my blabbing about it on Facebook, check it out here-----> www.bethhenson.com. I've put together an archived collection of past works, plus a section for all my NEW PAINTINGS (and lots more)! This series was a new step for me, in that I used a limited palette for each painting (this is hard for me; I tend to use every painting under the sun, making things muddy, too busy, confusing, etc) and I made a conscious effort at achieving 'controlled chaos' and restraint (another area I struggle with in my art at times---not knowing when a painting is done, and reworking the thing to death). Many times, I wish I could go back to an earlier version of a painting, and to combat this, I'm putting paintings away for awhile so I can 'let them rest'. I don't know if anyone under the sun would actually buy one of these to put on their wall, but I really don't care---this is the most fun I have had painting in years! I am hoping, and working, on a plan to get these 'out in the world' (new goal---a gallery showing at the end of 2014?).
Here's a peak at the new collection.