
Friday, October 26, 2012

I'm Still Here!

It's really been awhile this time!...over 2 months. I will have to say that it is a good thing to take some time away from social media once in a while.  I have not had many minutes minutes to spare;  taking an accelerated biology class that met 5 days a week at 8 am, with exams every few addition to the other things going on in my life like my sweet angel Jack (turned 1 on September 24th!!), paintings, work, and trying to squeeze in time to see friends.  I've learned that my life has to be strategically prioritized these days.

My big boy in September.
"Falling" 24x30 acrylic on canvas

"October" 2012, 30 x 40, acrylic on canvas
(I'm trying to sell some work right now, and all new paintings (including the above) that you see on my site will be for sale.  If interested, please email me at 

Also thrown into the mix is a new venture with a local company in Gainesville called FloatMobile.  I am working with them and managing their social media presence, focusing currently on Facebook and Twitter.  I am a relative newbie in social media marketing, and have found it very exciting to be involved in the process of a new company gaining a following online. 

That's it for now.  I will be posting some new painting pics and other random thought trains asap. 

Until later peeps,

Beth  ;)

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